Sambal Evie
Brand Identity & Packaging

Sambal Evie is a spicy-funky narrative about the story of Evita Moeldji (aka Brian’s Mom) and her
move from Medan, Indonesia to the sunny coast of Los Angeles. For the labels we wanted to
represent the idea of a tradition where sambal is eaten in its glory surrounded by a vast array of
colors and decorations, all placed on top of banana leaves, to unify our current homes with family.

Get Sambal Evie here!

Produced by Cash Only

Project Manager by Amanda Lanza

Sambal Recipe by Amanda Lanza, Hiedi Ross, Nellie Nguyen,
& Sharon Brenner

Art Direction by Jourdan Simmonds and Nico Filoseta
Graphic Design by  Jourdan Simmonds and Nico Filoseta